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Celebration of Quentin "Q" Williams 


The First Cathedral


Musical Prelude

Welcome & Introduction

Archbishop Leroy Bailey, Jr., The First Cathedral Church

— a lasting impact — 


Reflections from the White House

Letter from President Biden — State Treasurer Erick Russell

Letter from Vice President Harris — Anita Ford Saunders, Auntie



I Give Myself Away — Jordan Watson


Reflections from Middletown

Oddfellows Playhouse — Dic Wheeler, Executive Artistic Director, Oddfellows Playhouse

Community Health Center Tribute


Reflections from Stamford Excellence

Stephany Smith, Former Stamford Excellence Association (SEPA) President

Jayden Smith, Stamford Excellence Scholar, 5th Grade

Daniella Carias, Stamford Excellence Scholar, 8th Grade


“Brother Q” — Noah Baerman


Reflections from Emerge

Senator Mae Flexer, Executive Director, Emerge Connecticut

Reflections from The Legislature

Point of Personal Privilege 

Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz

Representative Williams Memorial

Legislative Impact — State Representative Kate Ferrar

CT House of Representatives Tribute

Reflections from Across the United States

Citation from Senator Anthony Hardy Williams — Devonna Dionne

American Council of Young Political Leaders — Libby Rosenbaum


— a living legacy —


Reflections from Bryant University

Reflections from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

BSL Educational Foundation, Inc. — Tyron Harris

Annual Derby Day

BSL Bro. Quentin Soldier Williams Memorial Scholarship, Public Policy — Aaron Knight


Musical Interlude

Closing Remarks

The Q Fund


The Williams Family wishes to express our gratitude for the outpouring of love and support from near and far. We would like to extend our thanks to our community, organizations, and local businesses that have greatly contributed to creating spaces for us all to celebrate our beloved Q.  


The First Cathedral

Cross Street AME Zion Church

The City of Middletown

Carmela's on the Extension 

Community Foundation Of Middlesex County
Middletown Framing

Minuteman Press, Middletown 

Vero Cucino 

The Wadsworth Mansion

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